What about left-handed playing?

If you’re left-handed, you can get a bass made especially for lefties. But if you’ve never played bass or guitar before, I think you’re best off trying to play a right-handed instrument.

The experience of playing bass will be totally new to you either way, so you might as well go right-handed, since these basses are much easier to find and often cheaper.

Of course, there are famous left-handed bassists like Paul McCartney (The Beatles) and Jimmy Haslip (Yellowjackets), and I’m not saying they were wrong to start leftie. I just want you to know that you don’t necessarily have to play left-handed just because you are generally left-hand dominant.

I personally write and throw left-handed but play a right-handed bass.

If you’re left-handed, I think the best thing to do is go to the music store and try out both. See if one naturally feels easier than the other, and make your decision from there.

Oh, and by the way, Beginner to Badass works for both right-handed and left-handed players. There’ll be zero confusion, since I say “plucking hand / fretting hand” instead of “right/left”.

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