How many strings should my bass have?

Beginner to Badass can be done on 5- or 6-string basses, but I recommend a standard 4-string bass for beginners.

The extra strings add some challenges – like muting, tighter string spacing, and more visual data to process – but if you already have one, no worries.

Adapt the course to 5-string:

Rest your thumb on the B string (the biggest/fattest string) whenever I say “rest your thumb on the pickup”, and follow other instructions as per usual.

When you rest on the E string, angle your thumb so you also cover the B string.

Adapt the course to 6-string:

Ignore your two outer strings (the big fat low B, and the skinny high C string).

You’ll mute the C using fretting hand muting, which I cover later in the course.

Discover more about 4-strings vs 5-strings in the YouTube video below:

5 String Basses Suck for Beginners (7 Reasons)

…and if you have fewer than 4 strings, seek medical attention right away.

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